CALMC Training









CALMC training is custom-designed in partnership with organizations or groups to help meet their needs.  All of our training is designed to encourage collaboration.   

CALMC can also provide workshops or seminars which can be done at your location.  Workshops and seminars are a great way to introduce topics, ideas, or to start new initiatives that will help your organization or group. 

We will work with you to develop a training or seminar for your organization or group.   Our training and seminars match the learning styles of the participants.  They are activity-based to provide hands-on experience with tools and techniques that will enable them to work on issues they may encounter.

CALMC focuses on service instead of profit which allows us to help organizations of all sizes, especially the smallest start-ups. 


Some of the types of training we offer are:


Team Building

Leadership Training

Dealing with Change

Problem Solving

Workplace Safety

Dispute Resolution

Interest-Based Process

Facilitator Training

Labor-Management Committee Training

Other Types of Training














Team Building

Putting a group of people together does not necessarily make them a team. Whether it is a team at a non-union workplace, a labor-management committee, or any organization, we can help with interpersonal and group dynamic skills so members can work more effectively with each other.

In addition, we work with groups to be effective problem-solvers.  We help them with data gathering and interpretation tools to resolve workplace issues. We also help increase the opportunity for greater support through consensus decision making.


Contact us for more information about how we can help with teams in your organization.

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Leadership Training

CALMC works with you to design a training process to develop leadership within your organization.  Whether it is for managers, employees, unions, or any group process, CALMC emphasizes a participative style that focuses on collaboration and group dynamics.                         

When leaders acknowledge and use the talents and skills of those around them, people are more enthusiastic and motivated.  The training includes effective coaching, communication, problem solving and decision making skills that help to create systemic change and also a more rewarding and productive environment.


Contact us for more information about how we can train your leaders for today's workplace.

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Dealing with Change

Business as usual isn't good enough anymore.  Organizations must be more adaptable and flexible in reaction to new environments and demands.  This requires sudden changes to be made.  For any type of organizational change to be effective, work system changes need to happen. Without them, your efforts will be ineffective or disappear completely.

If you are going to make any changes for your organization, it's critical everyone in the organization be part of the process.  Understanding the need for change and providing necessary support in the change process will help both managers and employees be more acceptable and reduce their resistance to change.

CALMC can help you by providing the tools essential to study your system, help you with making effective change, and gain support for the change.

Contact us for more information about how we can help you effectively deal with change.


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Problem Solving Skills

CALMC is ready to help you with problem-solving instruction for your employees or teams.

Our problem-solving training is done through a practical approach.  We use a variety of problem solving tools and techniques we can adapt to your specific problem solving needs in order to study, plan, implement, and evaluate solutions.

Participants will practice skills that provide more effective learning.  We start with techniques to identify root causes of problems and continue by using specific effective problem solving processes that will help address issues they face on the job.  We also provide training to develop statistical thinking for leaders of systemic change.

CALMC staff is also available to facilitate employees or groups once training is completed to put learned techniques into actual use.


 Contact us to learn more about effective problem solving.

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Workplace Safety

CALMC offers a proven workplace safety process called Safety Always.

The difference between the Safety Always process and other safety programs is in Safety Always everybody works together to prevent accidents from occurring. 

Both employees and managers work proactively to identify potential hazards and risks.  This safety process looks at why something is occurring and how it can be corrected instead of relying only on signs, slogans and contests. 

Workplaces that have used the Safety Always process have seen significant safety record improvements and long-term results.  It's not just "Safety First", it's Safety Always.

 Contact us for more information about Safety Always.


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Facilitator Training

Trained facilitators help meetings be more productive.  Instead of being involved in the discussion and content of a meeting, facilitators are neutrals who guide the process. They use specific tools and techniques to keep people focused and on task to complete projects and goals. No matter what type of meeting or size of group, good facilitators add value to organizations because they know what tools and techniques are needed to lead more effective meetings.

Facilitator training can also be beneficial for supervisors.  When trained in the same facilitative style, the supervisor can act as a coach to help and support individuals with their jobs.  These skills can help employees overcome their weaknesses so both employees and organizations can be successful.

CALMC staff are experienced facilitators who can train facilitators in your organization to use the tools and techniques needed to lead productive meetings or to help supervisors work with their employees.  CALMC can help you design the appropriate facilitator training that will best suit your needs.

Contact us for more information about training and coaching your facilitator team.


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Labor-Management Committee Training

Whether it’s forming a new labor-management committee or enhancing the effectiveness of an existing group, the training focuses on bringing both sides together as a leadership team.

In addition to basic team building skills, our training for labor-management committees is specifically designed to meet the needs of both labor and management.  It recognizes the differences in working on labor-management issues, and includes problem solving tools and techniques so each side can maintain their individual interests but solve problems together using a cooperative approach. 

CALMC has extensive experience in helping both private and public sector labor- management committees.  Our neutral standpoint and our ability to understand the opinions and concerns from both parties on the problems they are facing have helped our training to be successful.


Contact us for more information about training your labor-management committee.


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Dispute Resolution

Conflict is a natural part of any organization. It’s not if conflict will happen but more about when it happens and how to deal with it. When organizations grow and change, conflict is likely to occur. Conflict may not be bad if it is handled properly in order to keep it constructive. 

CALMC can assist your organization with the development and implementation of a process that can resolve disputes while improving employee morale and saving time and money.

Contact us for more information about conflict resolution.


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Interest-Based Process

The Interest-Based Problem SolvingProcess is a unique problem-solving process.  Interest-Based Problem Solving is based on Interest-Based Bargaining (sometimes referred to as IBB, win-win, or principled negotiations), and focuses on the mutual interests of the parties involved to resolve issues. CALMC recommends this problem-solving process for any group, not just in labor-management situations.

The interest-based process is a very effective problem solving tool because it is an opportunity for everyone to have input, and the outcome is determined by objective criteria instead of one person or a few determining the solution.  Everyone can express their interests or concerns about the problem and they can offer multiple solutions which will be evaluated by the objective criteria they select.

Because the process is an entirely different method from what many of us are familiar with in problem resolution, CALMC provides training for those who have never used it or who need a refresher.  In addition, CALMC recommends facilitation after training to help groups put the process in practice.

Contact us for more information about interest-based bargaining and problem solving.

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Other Training


Contact us for more information about how CALMC training will benefit your organization.


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